Suara Pelajar Debat 3 ( SPeD )
"Das, Bludt, Und, Eisen, Poeta, Nascitum, Orator, Fit 3! 3! 3!"
This is one of the extracurriculars that i choose in SMAN 3 Bandung. This is an extracurricular that allows you to debate with others in Indonesian Language. But, it's just not debate in your own way. It's debating in the proper way with some rules that you need to obey. In this extracurricular, we have 3 main division which is Debating, Public Speaking, and Rhasta ( Radio Sekolah 3 ). You will get to one of them. But to get it, it's not easy.
The first thing is you need to register to this extracurricular for a new member. And then there is StuDas ( Studi dasar ). That is an activity for every prospective member that want to get in to SPeD. There is 3 step in the StuDas. The first one is Public Speaking. In this activity you will get to know what is Public Speaking like, what it feels to be public speaker speaker. The second one is Rhasta. Rhasta is a division in SPeD that allow you to be a radio announcer in our canteen. In this StuDas you will know how to be a good radio announcer and what it feels to be radio announcer especially in our radio station which is Rhasta. And then the last but not the least is StuDas for debating. This is the StuDas the everyone wait. In this StuDas you will know how to be a proper debater. Our teacher in every StuDas is our senior in SPeD which is SPeD '17. The very last thing is StuPun which is Studi Puncak. This is the test from our senior to prove us that we are worthy to get to this extracurricular. This in the test from what we get from every StuDas. After we pass this, we are officially a new member of SPeD which is SPeD '18. The member of this extracurricular often called as "Pasukan Berkajet Merah" because we wear Red Jacket that symbolize our greatness color which is Red.
I love this extracurricular very much. Because of this extracurricular, i'm not shy anymore to say my argument to everyone. I'm not shy again to speak in front of many people. This extracurricular is not only fun, but it makes you a lot better in your speaking. And because of this extracurricular, i have many friends now. Not only the 2018, but also our senior which is 2017 and 2016. We have a room to share our opinion together or just chillin and play with the member of SPeD. It is located above the canteen. It is called BASKOM ( Bangunan Sped Kanggo Ngomong ). And what i like from this extracurricular the most is that this extracurricular is very fun and also very competitive. This extracurricular often send a team for some of the debate competition. I have a dream that one day, i can be one of the member of the team to compete for SMAN 3 Bandung at debate competition and win it for SMAN 3 Bandung.